Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

12 Simple Tips to Raise Healthy, Happy Eaters: Part 1

My youngest use to be a picky eater! I would cook several different dinners to appeal to everyone’s tastes. Many dinners use to end with someone crying — either me or my daughter. My two girls are 7 and 9. I can happily say that I cook one dinner now and enjoy family dinners (most of the time). I now have two adventurous, healthy, happy eaters.

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Courtney Harvey Courtney Harvey

12 Simple Tips to Raise Healthy, Happy Eaters: Part 2

Have you gotten a chance to read “12 Simple Tips for Raising Healthy, Happy Eaters: Part 1?” These two posts are designed to help parents create a lifetime of healthy eaters, setting our kids up for success as an adult. Parenting is hard and feeding our kids is no joke! I hope these two posts provide value, things to think about, and tips to make simple, sustainable change over time.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

What Are Seed Oils and What We Should Know

As I continue to read and learn about seed oils and how they have taken over our modern food supply, I become more and more passionate about minimizing my family’s consumption and sharing with others how too much of these oils can negatively impact our health.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Healthy Back to School Snack Ideas

When it comes to packing back to school snack, I recommend making sure a protein, healthy fat, and fiber is included to help balance kid’s blood sugar and keep them feeling satiated until lunch.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Looking to Optimize your Family’s Health? Try this Challenge!

Over the last couple of months, my family has taken on two different plant point challenges and it has been a game changer! I have always loved my veggies but my mindset has completely shifted to what can we can “add” to make our meals and snacks more nourishing.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

12 Practical Gifts The Whole Family Can Enjoy

Looking for practical gifts the whole family can enjoy that are good for the environment and your health? I have you covered! Here is a list of my favorite products I use and love with my family. Please note that the links shared are my Amazon affiliate links.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Seven Ways to Help Our Children Find Balance Over the Holidays

The holiday season is here! I love the holidays for all the sharing and cooking of delicious food, gathering with friends and family, making crafts with my girls, viewing beautiful light displays and much more. However, the holidays can be a bit overwhelming and hard to navigate with sugar around every corner. The holiday parties and cookie-making can add up quickly to a whole lot of sugar consumption.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Back to School Breakfast Ideas

A good breakfast should include 3 key components: protein, healthy fat, and fiber! A healthy breakfast is essential as It supports balanced blood sugar, a strong immune system, and healthy development!

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Simple Weeknight Dinner Ideas: Delicious, Nutritious, and Quick

Our kids are back to school and the after school activities have begun. This means, many of us are looking for simple and quick weeknight dinner ideas that the whole family can enjoy. Deciding what to make for dinner has got to be one of the hardest jobs for me as a parent.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

10 Reasons to Get Your Kids in the Kitchen Today!

There are so many amazing benefits to getting your kids in the kitchen and helping to cultivate a habit that will last a life time. Here are 10 of the many reasons to get your kids in the kitchen today.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Snack Boards Save the Day!

I made my first snack board for a Sunday, afternoon football game with my family. I’m not a big football or sports gal but my husband is and I LOVE food, so I always look forward to a good excuse to play around in the kitchen. The boards then became a regular Friday Night tradition, especially in the summer months, as I realized that there was little to no cooking involved!

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Why I Traded the “No thank you bite” for the “Rate it Game”

Do you struggle with getting your kids to try new foods? Is meal time a battle, begging your child to “just take one bite” and try the new food?

I feel you! This use to be me and my house when my youngest was little. Dinner often ended in tears with either me or my daughter crying. Not a fun way to end the day.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

How to Start Raising a Salad Lover TODAY

Do you wish your children enjoyed salad? I always love a good salad. The possibilities are endless, and they can act as a great tool for getting lots of great nutrients into our bellies as well as our children’s.

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Misa Pignataro Misa Pignataro

Misa’s Top 14 Favorite Clean Packaged Foods

Do you find going to the grocery store overwhelming? Is it stressful trying to read through every ingredient label while your little one is tugging at your leg or grabbing everything within reach? My girls are older now but I do have vivid memories of trying to navigate the grocery store, wanting to choose healthy, clean packaged foods for my family, but not having the patience or time to read through each ingredient AND try to figure out what each ingredient was.

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