Pineapple Mango Salsa

Who else loves a good, fresh, salsa, with all the cilantro and lime juice?

I saw a Pineapple Mango Salsa at Whole Foods that I just had to buy despite its steep price tag. It of course did not disappoint, but I wanted to try to replicate it so I could save a few dollars and make it in larger quantities. I must admit, I spend way too much money on food, so when I can figure out how to make something on my own, I usually do.

Do you value you your time or money more?

When it comes to eating healthy, it usually means we have to either pay more for the convenience of having everything pre chopped or remade or it means taking the time to do it yourself and save some money. I personally value saving a little money where I can and choose to take the time to prep and make my family’s food. I imagine if I didn’t work from home and was working full time, I would value my time more and be happy to pay the extra dollars to have my produce prepped and ready to go. Where do you fall on this spectrum?

How to adapt the recipe to meet everyone’s preferences

For this recipe, I had my girls in mind so I went light on the onions and cilantro, only using a quarter cup of each, making it a little less overpowering, and little easier to pick out if needed. I personally chose to keep the black beans on the side along with the tomatoes and avocado so everyone can make their own salsa to their liking. I made this recipe for the first time last spring, and up until then they were unwilling to try cilantro. The Pineapple Mango Salsa with a small amount of cilantro was the perfect ratio for them to give it a try and they loved it! Sometimes it is just finding the right vehicle to try the new food. The pineapple and mango was our winning vehicle.

If you are looking for other creative ways to introduce kids to new veggies, make sure to check out my Spinach Chocolate Chip Muffins and Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins. Although they are not experiencing the true taste of the veggies, it is a great first step in helping them become more familiar with spinach and sweet potato. Getting your kids involved in the process of making the muffins with you is even better.

If you give this recipe a try, let me know what you think or how you adjusted it to meet your family’s needs. As always, have fun rating the salsa with our Taste-O-Meter. I recommend printing it out and keeping it on the fridge as a reminder to make trying new foods light and enjoyable!.


1 cup pineapple, chopped 
1 cup mango, chopped 1/4 cup red pepper, chopped
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup cilantro, finely chopped 
 squeeze 1 lime
 salt to taste

optional add ins black beans cherry tomatoes avocado


Mix all ingredients together and enjoy with Siete chips or in your favorite fish taco! 


Sweet Potato Salad


Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins