Simple Weeknight Dinner Ideas: Delicious, Nutritious, and Quick

Our kids are back to school and the after school activities have begun. This means, many of us are looking for simple and quick weeknight dinner ideas that the whole family can enjoy. Deciding what to make for dinner has got to be one of the hardest jobs for me as a parent.  Anyone else find the decision making process exhausting? 

I have created a list of typical weeknight dinners for my family in hopes of helping to take some of the decision making fatigue out.  We usually do pizza or take out Fridays which mean I only have four weeknight dinners to plan for. I often do one dinner that takes a little bit more time on the weekend (a good time to try a new recipe) and then Sundays is usually a free for all, clean out the fridge kind of night.  

Below you will find a list of a few of our favorites that I hope your family enjoys as much as mine.

Veggie Packed Meat Sauce and Pasta

Sweet Potato Quiche (Make on the weekend and just heat up that night) or a veggie scramble with avocado toast

Simple Chicken Salad in lettuce cups or wraps served with a salad

Rotisserie chicken, baked sweet potato, and steamed broccoli

Baked wild Salmon, grilled veggies, and rice (Don’t have time to grill? Veggie sticks and hummus is great option or steamed broccoli is often our go to.) Looking for a simple, sheet pan salmon recipe? Check out this one from The Natural Nurturer.

Burgers with guac wrapped in a lettuce leaf with a side salad and baked sweet potato (I like to make a bunch of baked sweet potatoes at the beginning of the week so I have them on hand.)

Looking for quick and easy breakfast ideas?

Check out this post.

Smoothie Bowl

Looking for healthy snack ideas that are easy to pack for school?

Here are a few of our favorites.

Spinach Chocolate Chip Muffins


I hope you found this helpful. I know getting food on the table is tough some nights. Cheers to you and all that you do. You are rocking it!


Back to School Breakfast Ideas


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